Friday, September 19, 2008

The Path to Freedom...

So, of late, I've become captivated by the possibility of living off my little bit of earth. The notion of being unaffected by the "global economy", "rising food and fuel prices" and even the crowds and lineups at the grocery store have me intrigued.

My dear friend ( (Diary of a Filmmaker) ), and her hubby make videos. They are very talented people, as a matter of fact. They made a video discussing sustainability, and that, coupled with my recent fascination with the "Urban Homestead" has my thoughts almost wholly occupied.

My husband was not on board at first, until he realized that there was no downside for him. So, we live much cheaper, and he doesn't have to do any of it...Uh, OK. I contemplated getting chickens as well, but we back onto a school yard and have neighbours on both sides...Yeah, anyone who grew up on or around a farm knows the smell of chickens. They are...well...pungent. Anyhow, I wanted to have my own eggs, but perhaps I'll just have to wait until my neighbours are a little more enlightened. Or, we get hit with a food crisis of unprecedented proportions. Then, who'll be laughing, hmmm?

In any case, there is a family in Southern California, Pasadena, I believe, and they have what they call an "Urban Homestead". It's fantastic, They grow the better part of their food. My plan is to grow even more of what we eat, freeze more and start canning. I want to see if I can eliminate fruits and vegetables from my budget altogether, save for a few tasty treats from the farmer's markets now and then. I plan to get some fruit trees, as well. I look forward to having a functional yard.

Anyway, this family lives completely sustainably, composting, collecting rainwater...They are vegetarian as well, which I couldn't do personally (I pretty much wither away), but still, fantastic. I would love to pull this off.

Anyhow, these people are pretty awesome. They're also all over YouTube, under "Urban Homestead" or "Path to Freedom".

So amazing.

Go homegrown, Baby.

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