I am Anann. Well, not exactly, but that is my pseudonym, and considering that most of you will only ever know me as Anann, I suppose this is all rather inconsequential.
In any case, this is simply meant to be a little diary. Any opinions expressed here are not necessarily the truth, but they are MY truth, at least at the time. Anyone can comment, but please have the cahones to leave a name, and the respect to speak like a grown-up. Or I will simply delete the comment. :) Not because you disagree with me, but because it is simply bad manners to walk into another's house, and use foul language and verbal abuse.
Now that that is out of the way.
My reason for this blog is simple. It is difficult for one to define one's beliefs without anyone to discuss them with. I have a few precious friends with whom I can discuss them, but I'm pretty sure they only want to listen to me rant for so long. ;) Plus, they have jobs. And lives. So, here we are. :)
I am a Pagan, as I said. I am an Herbalist and Holistic Nutritionist by trade. I use herbs and whole foods daily, both as sustenance, medicine, and spiritual offerings. I advocate for a sustainable lifestyle in all aspects. Environmentally, financially, physically and emotionally. I am not Wiccan, myself, but guide myself by way of many Wiccan principles. I seek to know the Creator through many cultural references: Hindu gods and goddesses and Aboriginal spirituality both play an important role in my own spiritual journey. I have been lucky enough to work with Ayurvedic and Shamanic forms of medicine often in my practice, and have been fortunate enough to see the spiritual elements of those medicines play a large role in their efficacy.
I work, as I said, every day toward sustainability. We're not there yet, but our goal is to be living off the grid by 2015...as in, completely off the grid. I know that sounds like a long time, but it's really only 7 years, which, in reality is not a long while to change your entire lifestyle.
I guess we wouldn't be changing everything. We already live in a house with a large yard, and grow much of our own food. Zucchini just tastes better when you've just washed the dirt off of it. :P I strive to be energy independent, and to be without anything gas-powered (cars, lawnmowers, bbqs, etc.), in the next couple of years.
On this blog you will find many links to resources, many educational tips, but mostly my great big, fat, unsolicited opinion on everything from health to politics.
Sorry about that. :)
Comic on hiatus
16 years ago
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